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Friday, June 8, 2012

For those of you who asked for pictures, here are some.  This week's post follows.
First our building
Interior -- Living Room (the new sofa is WAAAY better) and Guest Room
Sandymount, including St. Johns Church (Anglican), Sandymount Strand, and The Martello Tower at the end of our street.  Martello Towers were built by the English when they were fighting with Napoleon because they felt that Ireland was their soft underbelly and they posted look-outs in each one of them.  These towers ring the Irish Sea, there are about 20 of them.

Finally, Alan in Dun Laoghaire.  You can see my cute new bike helmet on the handlebars.  It looks like a bowler, unfortunately it sits way high on my head in a kinda "Little Tramp" perch.  But the brim keeps rain out of my face. 

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