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Friday, June 6, 2014

The acupuncture guy has done the second treatment and continues to advise Alan to keep off the knee. What a drag. Up to today, I've done excursions on my own, yesterday visiting the open air market at De Pijp. That's near the Heineken Experience, in the south part of the city. It was an interesting market, many streets long, with an array of diverse goods in stalls that were bigger than they looked. There was one of everything there. Alan wouldn't have liked that either, so I was happy enough on my own again.

I have been able to figure out the trollys and it's been fun to do it. Still, I would like to do an adventure further afield, like the Friezen Islands. The "doctor's orders" prevents thinking about that for now. He will get another treatment next Wednesday. He is feeling incrementally better again today so it might be doing him some good. I hope so. We are planning to go to a movie tonight.

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